Uganda’s weekly epidemiological bulletin for the year 2024, serves to inform all stakeholders at community, district and national levels on suspected disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and responding to public health events in Uganda
on a weekly basis.
This bulletin serves to inform all stakeholders at community, district and national levels on suspected disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and responding to public health events in Uganda on a weekly basis.
Monitoring deaths aids in identifying and addressing their causes, allowing health systems to adapt and respond effectively. Therefore, a robust Mortality Surveillance System is the cornerstone of a highly effective public health system. It plays a pivotal role in measuring key indicators such as the crude mortality rate (CMR), life expectancy, total and excess mortality, maternal, neonatal, infant, and child mortality rates; categorized by age, gender, location, and other forms of mortality.
This Annual Health Sector Performance Report for Financial Year 2022/23, is the third during the National Development Plan (NDP) III period and it mainly focuses on the progress in implementation of the health subprogram annual workplans FY 2022/23 based on the respective institutional 5 year Strategic Plans. The report was presented and discussed during the 29 Health Sector Joint Review Mission (JRM) 1st to 2nd November 2023 and the recommendations are to guide planning, programming and budget allocation for the next FY 2024/25. The report has 6 sections namely; 1) Introduction giving the background and strategic direction; 2) Overall sector performance and progress based on the NDP KRAs; 3) Local Government and Health Facility Performance; 4) Progress in implementation of the MoH Strategic Plan Outputs; and 5) Annex.
This Plan describes the M&E framework, indicators, processes, sources of data, methods and tools that the sector will use to collect, compile, report and use data, and provide feedback as part of the national Health Sector M&E mechanisms. It is intended to document what needs to be monitored, with whom, by whom, when, how, and how the M&E data will be used. It also outlines how and when the different types of studies and evaluations will be conducted by the sector. It translates these processes into annualized and costed activities and assigns responsibilities for implementation.
This bulletin serves to inform all stakeholders at community district, and national levels on suspected disease trends, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and responding to public health events in Uganda on a weekly basis.
The Ministry of Health (MoH) Strategic Plan builds on the Human Capital Development Component of the National Development Plan III and lays a foundation for movement towards Universal Health Coverage. This plan provides strategic directions to the MoH Headquarters over the five-year period and is underpinned by a performance agreement that will enable the Ministry to assess and report on the results of the MoH in each specific strategic area of focus on regular basis.
Agromet Bulletin is prepared and disseminated by the National Meteorological Agency (NMA), to provide agricultural sectors and related disciplines with the current weather situation in relation to agricultural practices. The information contained in the bulletin, are believed to assist planners, decision makers and the farmers at large, in minimizing risks, increase efficiency and maximize yield.
This report provides a monthly update on key program indicators in the health sector. It provides an overview of; OPD attendance, admissions, top causes of mortality and morbidity, teenage pregnancy, Maternal & Perinatal deaths and public health events
The Semi-Annual Health Sector Performance review meetings highlight progress, challenges, lessons learnt and proposes a mechanism for improvement. The meeting focuses on the progress in the implementation of approved work plans and Budgets for FY 2021/22 and trends in performance for selected indicators.
These work plans include Departments, Programmes, Councils and National Level Institutions all of which are mandated to present their achievements cumulatively for two Quarters.
This brief provides an overview of; OPD attendance, notifiable diseases, other diseases of public health interest and
causes of death.
This brief provides an overview of; OPD attendance, notifiable diseases, other diseases of public health interest and causes of death.